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Open Gym

From $20 per visit with CrossFit 1 Class Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

1) Current Members Only. No guests or pets allowed. Punchcard members are welcome to use a “punch” to attend an open gym time.

2) Be sure you check in with a staff member when you arrive.

3) You may use the gym and the equipment in it in a responsible manner. Reckless or unsafe use or actions are not allowed.

4) Staff members will run the clock and music as needed. Please do not touch them.

5) Please be respectful of other members using the gym at the same time. Sharing is caring.

6) Open Gym time begins and ends at the top of the hour. You must clear out and clean up if any classes are scheduled. Class times take priority over any Open Gym use. This includes staff members and coaches.

7) Kids are not allowed on the gym floor during classes or Open Gym. Exception granted if they are contained in a stroller, carrier, or wagon and parked off to the side of the workout floor. This is not a daycare or play area. Please do not let your children run around during business hours.

8) Open gym use is a privilege. If you have questions about any of these rules, please talk to Coach Crystal.
